

The availability of food does not necessarily mean the problem of hunger is addressed. In order for food to successfully combat hunger, it must not only be available, but also accessible and most importantly, safe and healthy. The accessibility of food with respect to individual persons has less to do with physical distribution, and more to do with the individual’s nutritional awareness and economic power to secure food. This brings to the fore the overriding importance of the availability of personal income in combating hunger. Likewise, the massive consumption of unhealthy, unsafe, low-nutrient foods with its resultant foodborne illnesses and hidden ‘nutrient’ hunger highlights the indispensability of nutritional awareness to effectively combat hunger. The twine issues of access to income and awareness of what foods are nutritious and safe for consumption cannot be tackled by a better weapon than education.

Education is the best weapon against hunger and poverty. It is especially powerful in underdeveloped and developing countries like Nigeria, in the case of the later. It creates better opportunity for, and more access to income, as well as nutritious and sustainable food. Education enlightens the mind on what hunger is, its full ramifications and implications. It also informs on what should and should not be regarded as food, and what kind and quality of food is safe, nutritious and necessary for the eradication of hunger.

Through education, nations are trained in sustainable agriculture and the production of sustainable foods so people can provide food for themselves in a sustainable way. This is very powerful, because ultimately citizens in many impoverished areas become non-reliant on aids from foreign countries (which often causes debt) and are able to create their own steady supply of food, as a result.

Access to Credit helps people gain access to loans and create many industries and farms that help create a sustainable provision for people, and education plays a major role first in the awareness of the availability of such credits and in the process of obtaining and efficiently applying them.

The eradication of hunger truly calls for the application of a mix of sustainable development strategies like the promotion of social change, urban farming, climate smart agriculture, women empowerment, birth control, food waste management, improved food storage systems, and investment in disaster risk reduction, hygiene, sanitation, infestation and infection management and crop bio fortification. However, the key to the actualization of all these is education

Promote Education In Sustainable Agriculture And Hunger Eradication Today!


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