BIO-INTENSIVE AGRICULTURE (BIA) ADVANCEMENT: A Call for Nominations for BIA Model Urban Gardening Demonstration Sites

In furtherance of the ongoing SAHE Foundation 2021 campaign for the advancement of Bio-Intensive Agriculture (BIA) as a way of boosting sustainable agriculture for the eradication of hunger, and in collaboration with our regional partner, Grow West Africa BIOINTENSIVE, Ghana, three (3) model BIA urban gardens are going to be set up in Lagos, Nigeria and in Accra, Ghana, for demonstration purposes (2 in Lagos and 1 in Accra]. This is aimed at creating awareness and eliciting public interest in the adoption of Bio-Intensive Agriculture and particularly, Bio-Intensive Urban Gardening.

To this end, we request the preliminary nominations of ten (10) individuals for consideration. The list shall eventually be screened down to the two (2) most-qualified nominees for Lagos zone who would be accorded the honour of having BIA gardens built for them. They will nurture the gardens with the full support of SAHE Foundation and report their daily observations on different social media platforms for their teeming online audience, capturing their journey with colours, pictures and fun from the beginning of the process to harvest time. This is expected to generate rapid interest in Bio-Intensive Urban Gardening among their numerous followers, so as to get committed individuals willing to practise and further the vision of SAHE Foundation for 2021.

Final selection shall be done according to the following criteria:

  1. Nationality: Must be Nigerian
  2. Residence: Must be in Lagos
  3. Space and Method: Must have a space for the garden located either;
  • in-front or at the back of his/her urban home (in square meters)
  • on the balcony or rooftop (using sacks or containers for planting)
  • at a distance not more than 200 meters away from his/her urban home (in plots)


  1. Social Media Presence: Must have significant social media presence in terms of the number of active platforms and total number of followers (must be active on at least 2 social media platforms). This is most important for realising the charge of the exercise. 
  2. Career: Nominees can be from any field of discipline or endeavour. However, preference will be given more to those who are not agricultural practitioners. Making believers out of skeptics is one of the aims of this project.

Fill the form below to submit your nominations

[contact-form-7 id=”1261″ title=”BIA-Nominations-form”]

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